Settings to be applied BEFORE loading the GCode:
Width Offset: If the width of your print lines appears a bit too thin or thick, you can use width offset to add or subtract a set amount from the line width.
Width Offset 0
Width Offset 0.1
Height Offset: If the height of your print lines appears a bit too thin or thick, you can use height offset to add or subtract a set amount from the layer height.
Precision: This is how many decimal places the X, Y and Z coordinates of the GCode will be rounded to. It’s recommended not to change this.
Seam Distance: How big the seam should be. Higher value will lead to a wider seam.
Seam Distance: 0.2
Seam Distance: 0.5
Merge Angle: Any print moves that have an angle less than Merge Angle
will be joined together. This reduces the number of polygons that are being dealt with and helps with performance. A value of 0
will mean no points will be removed but that generally is not required and will make the processing and rendering slower.
Degrees Per Joint: Controls the resolution of the end-points of a print move and the resolution of how smooth the turns look. Lower number = smoother joints
, higher number = less polygons and faster processing and rendering
Seam Abberations: Not all seams are the same on a real print. There are some random variations. You can simulate that by using this setting.
Probability : Range: 0-100 : How many of the end-points
of a move should be affected. 0 being none and 100 being all of them
Amount: Maximum amount which should be added to the end-point
to make the seam bigger. Please note, it will only increase the seam and not decrease it and it’s the maximum amount, the actual amount will be chosen at random between 0
and Amount
Seam Distance: 0.5, Seam Abberations Probability: 0, Seam Abberations Amount: 0
Seam Distance: 0.5, Seam Abberations Probability: 100, Seam Abberations Amount: 0.3
Settings to be applied AFTER loading the GCode::
Extruder Error: This is applied after loading the GCode and in two steps.
should be selected and then click Make Selection
Probability: 20, Selected Layers
Density: This is the density of how many errors you will like on the layer. Some trial and error might be required to get the look you like. Then click Apply Errors
Errors like this should appear on your model. Nothing is stopping you from redoing this a couple of times to add more errors.